-- $Id: CISCO-RFC1243-CAPABILITY.my,v 3.2 1995/11/17 08:34:35 hampton Exp $
-- $Source: /swtal/cherf.111/ios/sys/MIBS/CISCO-RFC1243-CAPABILITY.my,v $
-- *****************************************************************
-- August 1994, Jeffrey T. Johnson
-- Copyright (c) 1994 by cisco Systems, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- *****************************************************************
-- $Log: CISCO-RFC1243-CAPABILITY.my,v $
-- Revision 3.2  1995/11/17  08:34:35  hampton
-- Remove old entries from the RCS header logs.
-- Revision 3.1  1995/11/09  10:50:18  shaker
-- Bump version numbers from 2.x to 3.x.
-- Revision 2.1  1995/06/07  20:00:47  hampton
-- Bump version numbers from 1.x to 2.x.
-- *****************************************************************
-- $Endlog$


                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
                FROM SNMPv2-CONF
                FROM CISCO-SMI;

ciscoRFC1243Capability  MODULE-IDENTITY
                LAST-UPDATED    "9408180000Z"
                ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
                        "       Cisco Systems
                                Customer Service
                        Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive
                                San Jose, CA  95134
                           Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
                        E-mail: cs-snmp@cisco.com"
                        "Agent capabilities for RFC1243-MIB (Appletalk MIB)"
                REVISION        "9408180000Z"
                        "Initial version of this MIB module."
        ::= { ciscoAgentCapability 108 }

ciscoRFC1243CapabilityV10R02 AGENT-CAPABILITIES

STATUS          current
DESCRIPTION     "appletalk mib capabilities"

INCLUDES        { llapGroup, aarpGroup, atportGroup, 
                ddpGroup, rtmpGroup, kipGroup, zipGroup, nbpGroup, 
                atechoGroup }

VARIATION       llapIfIndex
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       llapInPkts
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       llapOutPkts
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       llapInNoHandlers
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       llapInLengthErrors
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       llapInErrors
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       llapCollisions
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       llapDefers
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       llapNoDataErrors
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       llapRandomCTSErrors
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       llapFCSErrors
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       atportType
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       atportNetStart
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       atportNetEnd
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       atportNetAddress
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       atportStatus
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       atportNetConfig
SYNTAX          INTEGER { configured(1), garnered(2), unconfigured(4) }
-- no            { guessed(3) }
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to detect all states"

VARIATION       atportZone
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       atportIfIndex
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       rtmpRangeStart
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       rtmpRangeEnd
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       rtmpNextHop
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       rtmpType
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       rtmpPort
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       rtmpHops
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       rtmpState
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       kipNetStart
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       kipNetEnd
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       kipNextHop
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       kipHopCount
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       kipBCastAddr
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       kipCore
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       kipType
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       kipState
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       kipShare
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       zipZoneName
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       zipZoneNetEnd
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       zipZoneState
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       nbpObject
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       nbpType
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       nbpZone
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       nbpState
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

        ::= { ciscoRFC1243Capability 1 }